Sharing Hearts Worldwide Incorporated
Sharing Hearts Worldwide Incorporated
Touching the Hearts of the Underprivileged

Sharing Hearts Worldwide, Inc. is a nonprofit organization geared toward local and global outreach to those in need: providing clothing; food; minor health care; classes and workshops in Urban America and rural West Africa. Impacting a nation and reaching across the globe to show them God's Love.
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Founded by a lone individual: Sharing Hearts Worldwide is a nonprofit organization sharing the love of Christ through its passion to help others who are not privileged to help themselves. The organization does so by providing food, clothing, school supplies and toys to at risk families in need in the Gwinnett and DeKalb counties of Georgia in the United States. Subsequently, provides clothing, cultural diverse food,school supplies, nutrition education, needed supplies and minor care of wounds to rural West Africa.
We are definitely on a mission to touch the hearts of the underprivileged by sharing our hearts. Jesus said:
Matt. 25:40. "Truly I tell you. What you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
We value integrity, our leadership, our ability to garner collaborations, our accountability, our passion, our diversity, our quality. Guided by these values we provide superior rewards to a worldwide community as we inspire people in need and enhance their quality of life.
Be Blessed!
Sharing Hearts Worldwide Inc.
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